Laila Refai

Deputy Secretary General

Get to know Laila

Kenzy Louai

Secretary General

Get to know Kenzy

Malek Afifi

Deputy Secretary General

Get to know Malek


Ingy Helmy

Ahmed Hussein

Christian Cornec

Ziyad Aboushair

Fatma Hussein



Executive Advisor

Get to know Sarah

Yussuf El Zayat

Executive Advisor

Get to know Yussuf

Yasmine Riad

Executive Advisor

Get to know Yasmine


Sherif Shalaby

Vice-Head of the Organisation team

Get to know Sherif

Nour Ghoneim

Head of the Organisation team

Get to know Nour

Lara Awad

Vice-Head of the Organisation team

Get to know Lara

Lojaina Kayed

Head of Administration

Get to Know Lojaina

Lojaina is one of the most amazing people you’ll ever meet, to be able to call her a friend is something that I’ll forever be grateful for. Lojaina is one of the funniest, most genuine and intelligent people I have and will ever meet. She’s the type of person to never pass up the opportunity to make a sarcastic comment or bully you, but will always have your back in any situation. You can go up to anyone and they’ll tell you how there’s something so comforting about her that makes it so easy to confide in her. Her ability to turn a short conversation to one that is hours long is one of her trademarks, with her you can be sure that your conversations will be some of the weirdest but most entertaining things ever. Outside of her fun personality, she’s honestly one of the smartest, most logical and hardworking people I know. With her, you’ll always be sure that any work you’ll do will be of the highest quality. She has this drive to always exceed expectations which pushes her and everyone around her to do their best. Finally, having her in this team truly is a blessing, not only for the other department members, but the team as a whole.

Khadijah Dallah

Vice-Head of Administration

Get to know Khadijah

You can usually tell when Khadija walks into a room as her presence can never be missed. She’ll always be the first to make a dumb joke or laugh so loudly that you’ll struggle not to join in. There are many times when we all question if she’s mentally okay, and the answer is often no. I’ve known her for so long now and I can say that it’s impossible to be bored around her. Dallah is genuinely the weirdest but most entertaining person I’ve ever met and every minute you spend with her is a surprise. One moment we could be having a normal conversation then suddenly she’s asking the most random and out of context question ever. Other than her fun personality, she’s also the most determined and hard working person I know. When she puts her mind to something, she will get it done no matter what, and will do it better than most. She’s also never afraid to stand up for her friends and for herself, and that’s something I’ve always admired. Dallah is someone I really look up to and appreciate, and I think everyone should too. Knowing her is truly a blessing. <3

Khadijah Bazid

Vice-Head of Administration

Get to know Khadijah

There are so many things that could be said about Bazid and having to fit them all in a 200-word paragraph is going to be hard. I don’t think any words could ever describe the joy and comfort you get from being around Bazid. She is one of those people who can never fail to put a smile on your face, no matter the circumstances. She has this cheerful and goofy and outgoing personality that when you think about Bazid, you think about fun. On top of that, her amazing personality and positive vibe are not the only things that make her such a great person. She is incredibly smart too, and her ability to handle any situation with an insane amount of calmness never fails to amaze me and terrify me. You can always count on her to make the best out of any given scenario. Bazid is also one of the most hardworking and dedicated people you’ll ever meet and she consistently gives her best to any work she’s doing. I think everyone needs a Khadija Bazid in their life.

Maia Mekki

Vice-Head of Administration

Get to know Maia

One of the most engraved memories I have in my brain of Maia is when we watched coco together and at the end of the movie she started bawling her eyes out. It was one of the funniest and most genuine things I have ever seen, that made me actually understand her pure soul. The most caring friend that you’ll ever meet, always looking after you no matter how small the action is. Her perfectionism and attention to details is one of the things that distinguish her the most, despite the fact that she has the memory of a goldfish. Maia is able to tell a story up to 5 times to the same person and not remember anything in a few minutes. Her clumsiness and ability to match your energy with no effort is the funnest part of being around her. Aside from her endearing nature and personality Maia is the most committed and diligent person I have ever encountered. She will put her all into her work and will never accept anything less from herself. She’s the person who pushes you to your limits and motivates you. Let’s just hope she doesn’t fall while doing it.

Zeina Khater

Vice-Head of Administration

Get to know Zeina

Zanzoun’s vibrant energy is unmistakable, and her infectious laughter can turn any moment into a joyous memory. It’s fascinating how we didn’t start off as close friends, but from the moment we clicked, there was an instant connection between us that has since grown into an unbreakable bond. Zeina’s reactions in serious situations are hilarious. She has this unique ability to find humor in even the most dire circumstances which definitely sets her apart from anyone. There’s something about the way she finds the lighter side of things that never fails to crack me up. My MG sis 4everrr <33. Literally can’t count on my fingers the amount of inside jokes we made this year. We have gone through ups and downs together, and she truly made every worst experience we’ve had tolerable. She’s one of the few people who are truly able to make you feel safe, especially during math and physics exams ;). Despite us ALWAYS being lost during physics class, she truly pushes me to do my hardest and always motivates me to do better. Zanzoun is truly a source of inspiration. Beyond all the laughter we share, she has an incredible work ethic and passion and is undeniably the most hardworking person I know. It’s inspiring to see her tackle every task with full capacity and genuine passion. I don’t know how she makes diligence look effortless. The only person who is able to deliver disapproving looks (as well as her famous poker face) with such finesse. In a nutshell, she is truly a constant source of laughter, support and warmth in anyone’s life. If you don’t have a Zeina, I recommend you get one ASAP!!!

Nathalie Wafik

Head of IT and Design

Get to Know Nathalie

Nats or Nato no words could do justice how great of a friend she is actually.When you meet her for the first time, you might get the impression that shes cold hearted and emotionless but i promise you thats not the case at all. My favorite thing about her will always remain her supportive side and her ability to help you whenever you’re feeling down or when youre in need because shes the best at giving advice and comforting others.I will never forget my first day of school when i was extremely anxious and lost , Nathalie was the one who helped me throughout the whole day. Nathalie is the kind of person who will crack the worst joke ever and laugh at it for ages, not to mention her delightful sense of humor. One of my favorite thing about Nathalie is how determined and creative she is when it comes to academic work, she always priotizes her school work.From spontaneous adventures to heartfelt conversations, every moment spent with her is cherished .She’s one of the best people you can talk to because its as if you can literally tell her anything and shes not gonna judge you.

Omar El Kady

Head of IT

Get to Know Omar

If you had to imagine the calmest and most peaceful individual, Omar would be the perfect example. Omar is a really flexible and cooperative person that is a joy to work with. It’s impossible to see him getting angry or aggressive no matter the situation. He treats everyone with respect and kindness. Omar is a very hard worker that will always get the work done and done well. When anyone is facing any sort of issues ,problems or difficulties , he is always there to help you. When it comes to intelligence and concentration he never disappoints. Optimism, enthusiasm and composure are the terms that best describe Omar. He’s always in his own space, and can never be spotted annoying or offending someone else. There would 100% be confusion and misunderstanding if Omar and the word problem were heard in the same sentence.

Kenzy Yehia

Head of Design

Get to know Kenzy

200 words will never be enough to get to know Kenzy. From my first week in school she made me feel like she’s been my best friend for years. At first, she may seem shy and quiet but as I got to know her, I realized that she is the most fun, positive and caring person. She’s the kind of person you can always rely on, always there for you . She is my secret keeper, advice giver, gossip buddy and the sweetest person ever. I am super lucky to have her as my bestfriend.When Kenzo first came and told me that she’s gonna apply to be head of design, I knew that she’s definitely  gonna get it. She is the most organized and creative person I know, just look at her notebooks or lunchbox and you’ll understand, always colorful and decorated. Whenever we are working together, the presentation part is always on her since I’m sure that it’s gonna be 1000 times better than anything I can do. To end this i need to thank her for being my swiftie bsf and never getting bored of talking about taylor or singing her songs for hours, love you kenzo!

Mostafa Moussa

Head of Hospitality

Get to know Mostafa

Youssef Tahawy

Vice-Head of Hospitality

Get to Know Tahawy

Ibrahim Bakir

Head of Catering

Get to Know Ibrahim

I usually don’t laugh easily, but ibrahim never failed to genuinely make me laugh. Its always fun when around him. I feel that ibrahim is one of the fewest people that i can truly spend hours talking to without getting bored, because words come out easily with him. He always has interesting topics to talk about together. He is such an unpredictable person in the best way possible. Looking at ibrahim from afar you might feel that he isn’t the brightest person ever nor the most attentive in school. But when he puts something into his head he will do a very great job with it. I believe that ibrahim is very intelligent but sometimes gets lazy to do things, and that truly hides all his great capabilities. Fun fact about ibrahim in my personal opinion, is that he has a really good taste in music. You’ll always find me looking for new music to listen to from his playlists to be honest. Nonetheless ibrahim works hard to reach his goals and doesn’t give up easily, so working with him in anything should be a pleasure to anyone.

Ali Mohsen

Head of Catering

Get to Know Ali

Ali mohsen. The french boy. The cutest. The hard worker. I’m really glad to have you in the catering division. You deserve it. Of course I won’t forget the smartest of the group. The friendliest one I know. The most hard worker. The one who helps everyone. The one who knows everything about cars. You can trust him with anything. I’m glad to have you in my life. Love you brother.

Yassin Bahei

Head of Security and Transportation

Get to Know Yassin

Bahei is one of the kindest people you will meet. He is so creative in everything he does because he always gives his best. He laughs at everything and it’s very contagious which gives positive vibes until it gives you a headache! Bahei encourages everybody and is very honest about it. He also differentiates between serious moments where we need to finish our work, and other times when we can joke for hours. He loses his glasses a lot and sometimes gets annoyed and starts blaming us, but is still very “patient”. I am sure he’s an important organ of our team this year and I am happy that we are going to work together, even if I am worried he might put someone in the wrong bus (jk of course), ta2riban . In the end i can’t forget to tell him that i will continue stealing his hohos and chocolates because I love them.

Kareem Khaled

Head of Security and Transportation

Get to Know Kareem

Kareem, Kiko, or as he likes to be called “Abo Regl,” may initially strike you as someone not to

mess with, but appearances can be deceiving. Never judge a book by its cover. take a few minutes in getting to know Kiko, and you’ll discover a genuinely nice guy. Kareem is the funniest person you’ll ever meet, with a sense of humor that can leave you rolling on the ground with hysterical laughter. Kimo’s boundless energy brings genuine happiness. Whenever you’re down, you can rely on “Abo Regl” to lift your spirits. His unwavering loyalty means he’ll never abandon you; he’ll always be by your side. Despite Kimo showcasing toughness, trust me, beneath it all,he possesses the kindest heart in the entire world.In even a brief 10-second conversation,Kareem ensures you feel comfortable, creating a sense that you’ve known him for a long time,like an instant best friend. His unstoppable charisma and determination enable him to achieve anything he sets his mind to. A piece of advice about Kareem: never mention having food, especially turkey sandwiches, as they will mysteriously disappear. It’s, however, safe to say that I don’t think a simple “get to know” letter will do kareem justice because you will never really understand how distinctive and unique he is unless you really do get to know him.

Nadine Riad

Head of Ceremonies and Events

Get to know Nadine

Nadine is one of the closest people to my heart , no matter what your going through Nadine will always find a way to make you smile . She’s someone that you could always trust . Nadine would never fail of giving me hard time in math, she will never understand from the first time, but at least she’s trying. Nadine is a very helpful person and will always offer help to people.  Nadine is the most annoying in my life, but at the end Nadine is someone that I really love and respect and  I will always treat her as a little sister to me  and I’m grateful to have someone like Nadine in my life.

Zeina Maksoud

Head of Ceremonies

Get to know Zeina

Zeina, or as I like to call her Makso, knowing her since P2 will make it challenging to describe her in just 200 words. In the past 10 years that I have known Zeina, she has been my best friend, my sister and my backbone and has supported me in every dumb decision I make. I’ll never forget how both of us always have the same bad luck and have the same bad months (April) and days, it’s like we were always destined to become best friends, even through the bad things. She is the most down to earth person and you’ll never meet someone as energetic as she’ll always be there for you and pick you up whenever you’re down and whenever you need her. Zeina’s presence will always bring you comfort no matter what you’re feeling and to her always laughing at her own jokes before saying them will light a smile on your face. She can be dumb and stubborn sometimes, but it’s all out of love, she is the most determined person I know who’ll fight for whatever values she believes in, and loves you with all your heart. We’re all so lucky to have you Zeina, and please I know that I am never going to stop stealing your food and that I will always like your sister more than you.

Mohamed El Kholy

Head of Events

Get to know Kholy

i think everyone in the school knows who Kholy is due to his big personality , yet I won’t spare a detail. I have been in class with Kholy for over 3 years, and to this day, he hasn’t changed since I first met him. Kholy has a reputation for being the loudest person in the room and the one who can make anyone laugh uncontrollably. Kholy is genuinely one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. He has a sense of humor that’s capable of making even teachers in a bad mood laugh. In any situation encountered, kholy’s humorous personality can honestly turn any dull or quiet setting into one that’s full of laughter. Kholy may not be the most mature person in the world, but that doesn’t stop him from being a fun and entertaining person to be around. However,around kholy, you can never leave your lunchbox unattended because i can assure you that there’s a 90% chance that Kholy will take it. i can assure you that when you’re around him, you will never be bored or in a bad mood. You’re lucky to be working with Kholy because, let’s face it, there will never be an unpleasantly boring moment.

Selim El Nakib

Head of The Communications Department

Get to know Selim

Nakib is a joy to be around, being with him is always fun and enjoyable. When spending time with Selim you realize how mindful he is about other people’s feelings. He’s funny and smart. Selim is amazing at basketball, and when playing basketball with him I came to know that he learned how to play mainly from only playing NBA 2K which just goes to show just how creative and intelligent he is. Not to mention that he’s ambitious and that he never ceases to strive for the best. Aside from that he is the most charismatic person I know, and he has the best laugh, the type of laugh that fills the room with positivity. In the end, Selim is lighthearted and an absolute joy to be around.

Dana Hanafy

Head of Sponsors and Accommodation

Get to know Dana

Talla Sherif

Head of Social Media

Get to Know Talla

When i first got to know talla we weren’t close at  all. She started hanging out with me during breaks  at school. A couple of months later we started  talking to her outside of school. I would always  help her with homework and studying for exams  and she would do the same for me. I always felt  like she was a very understanding and was easy  going. She was also a very patient person, so it  was easy making plans with her. She has a very  kind heart who always listens and comforts people  when they need it, she’s very unproblematic and  helps me through hard times which i really  appreciate. She also has this humor who only  some people understand and i actually love that  about her, she never fails to make me or anyone  smile and always has a way to sheer people up.  She’s a very determined and a hard working  person who knows how to deal with difficult  situations. I am really glad to have gotten to know  her and have her in my life because she’s the exact  friend i needed, and anyone could ask for. She’s a  person that i don’t want to lose.

Laila Abdelbar

Head of Media

Get to know Laila

Describing Lalouzz in only 200 words is really hard if not impossible, I know that this may sound cliché but I really mean it. I don’t know from where I should start or what even to say. Lalouz is the type of person you can talk to for days and hours without getting bored. Even in the darkest times you’ll always see her big and bright smile. She’s one of the most supportive and caring person you could ever meet. Nevertheless Lalou can become easily angry and an advice from me is that during this time you should leave her to calm down  but despite this what I can assure you is that he has the purest heart. She is the type of person who you can always rely on, and never worry about it. I forgot to mention something REALLY IMPORTANT and it’s her relationship with SHICKSHICK, you could say that they both make a powerful duo. What I could assure you is that your missing a lot if you have never with lalouz in a car ride and if you never saw her driving. She is without a doubt, one of the most trustworthy and determined people out there. Lalouz is actually a hard-worker and it is extremely fun when she is around.

Dana Ebeid

Vice-Head of Media

Get to know Dana

My bestest of friends and the only person I can count on for anything. Dana, the most the enthusiastic and cheerful girl I know. As much as dana may seem to be very tough on the outside, I can guarantee you that from the inside she’s a child at heart. She’s definitely someone who’ll always be by your side, who can change the room’s whole vibe with her sense of humor, a social butterfly who never fails on making me laugh or cheering me up and most definitely a hard worker who puts all her time and effort into her tasks. The purest heart, someone who’s always willing to help when you need her and who’ll definitely stay by your side through your highs and lows. She’s definitely the kind of person that you’ll always love to have around and to spend time with. Dana, i’ll most definitely never stop texting you “ANA LAZEM AOLEK HAGA” even over the silliest things and will most definitely never stop sending you my daily vlogs. I unfortunately love you so much.

Nour Makkouk

Journalists Coordinator

Get to Know Nour

This year I finally met the real nour in math class and i would say ”nour dih bgd ektashaf “. every single word that comes out of her mouth leaves me dying of laughter. of course that’s only when I understand what she’s saying in that TO DIE FOR  Lebanese accent. on the other hand, this year I’ve learned to avoid nour at all costs when I’m on a diet since her brownies are out of this world, not to mention her teta’s famous cake. Nour takes life easily with a smile tattooed on her face that can light up anyone’s day. you’ll never find a more positive person. she’s the type of person that everyone loves before even getting to know her, but most importantly although she is showered with love she is still one of the few people I can describe as confident but not cocky. she’s someone you can talk to and instantly feel at home. Can’t wait to one day leave the world behind and go to culinary school with you !!!

Karen Sameh

Photographers Coordinator

Get to Know Karen

Imagine knowing someone for over 11 years and having to write a 200 word paragraph is a very difficult task, as I have too much to say about her. We have been through so many ups and downs, from our daily whatsapp messages about how stressed we are over exams, to our endless laughter messages after midnight. If you are ever feeling unhappy or stressed, call our therapist, Karen. She is the kind of person you will feel comfortable talking to, always able to bring out the best in you. She is always there when you need her. She is a constant source of laughter, to her iconic fall on the stairs after our wezara exam. Karen has a kind of obsession with nature, and can spend hours looking at the beauty of trees. She is the most hard working, determined and dedicated person ever. From the moment she sets her mind on a goal, there is no stopping her. She is always able to stay motivated even in the face of obstacles. She is truly a one of a kind.

Yehia Zaazou

Head of Admins

Get to Know Zaazou

Zaazou is one of the most cheerful people I have ever met. He always brings out the best in  people and gives off the best energy ever. He’s the type of person that could suddenly start  singing and dancing on his own. He definitely lets his intrusive thoughts win. You shouldn’t be  surprised if you find him suddenly throwing a 300 L.E gigantic Ferrero Rocher ball in the air  ( based on a true story ). That’s the type of person he is. You also have to be careful with your  food around him, he will always always steal your food, but that’s Zaazou so it’s fine. He is also a  very unpredictable person. You can find him suddenly showing up to an outing at the most  random time, without notifying us. But this makes him an even more funnier person. Zaazou, your  sense of humor is another quality that draws me to you. You have a unique way of making me  laugh, even on my toughest days. Your wit and humor are contagious, and I find myself laughing  along with you, no matter the situation. I will forever be grateful to have Zaazou in my life.

Rana Ashmawy

Vice-Head of Admins

Get to Know Rana

Rann is the type of person to say the most random fact at an unexpected moment, like “gama3a ento aarfeen en a shrimp’s heart is in its head.” I couldn’t have imagined someone more suitable for this position when I first heard that Rana applied for admins, since she’s the most enthusiastic and entertaining person I know. The thing about Rana that I find the most weird, however amusing, is her tendency to wake up from a stupid dream at 5 a.m. and call me to tell me about it so I can analyse it for her. Rana is the most caring and understanding person you’ll ever meet, and I’ll forever cherish our late-night deep talks that could last till eternity. I think of Rana as the ideal planner; from the numerous hours I’ve watched her plan her outfits, I can attest to the fact that she truly spends hours planning and always produces flawless results. I could go on for 40 more paragraphs introducing Rana, but unfortunately we have a 200 word limit. Sooooo,  in a nutshell, Rana is an explosion of energy and love, and I advise you all to get to know her. EVERYONE NEEDS A RAN IN THEIR LIFE


Yusuf Nour

Student Officer

Get to Know Yusuf

Yusuf and I are really close friends since we were in the third grade. Yusuf’s character is very lovable you’ll never be able to find someone that is better to work with. Seeing him always trying his best in everything we have and in every group project we work on he gives his best and is very supportive always encouraging us to do our best. He’s always a very good and big addition to any team and seeing how hard he works and how much he tries to organize his time between trainings and games with his team and the schoolwork. The day that the applications were sent from the executives I knew deep inside he was 99% going to make it and be a part of the team for his hard work and his kind heart always trying to help the others around him, trying his best to make everything look as good as possible and the work to be the best it can be. I really do know that he’s a very kind person and a very big addition to the team with his very brave thinking as well as his talent.

Malak Omar

Student Officer

Get to Know Malak

Malika El Agroudi

Student Officer

Get to Know Malika

How would it even be possible to describe Malika in 200 words? Malika is one of the most hard-working and honest people I’ve personally known. Her dedication, commitment and enthusiasm never fail to push her exceed her highest expectations. She’s the type of person you can count on for anything. She’s always there whenever anyone needs her support or advice. I can say without a doubt that she always pushes everyone around her to be the best versions of themselves. I remember always calling her 2 days before the exam asking her “3amalti 7aga?” and when she says no, I tell her “raya7tini” but how could she end the phone call without giving me a motivational speech that would let me end up at my desk studying for our next exam. Malika’s one of the kindest and most genuine to be around. When she enters the room; it’s just filled with positive energy and laughter. She always succeeds to put a smile on everyone’s faces. Malika’s personality is hard to even describe or get to know through words as her positivity and presence says it all when she’s there.

Nicolas Avgoustiadis

Student Officer

Get to Know Nicholas

Nicolas is the funniest and most caring person you will ever meet; he brings laughter to any serious situation and lightens everyone’s mood. We can never forget his gym addiction that’s taking over his life. Describing him in less than 200 words is definitely challenging. From his sense of humor and stupidity to his hard work; he has many qualities that make him the perfect best friend and colleague. Having Nino not only as a close friend but also family is a delight and an honor. He’s without a doubt everyone’s go-to friend. Here’s to our shared love for the weirdest stuff ever. He’s the most fun since he’s always prepared with the funniest stories and Nutella sandwiches. Despite his tough personality, Nino is the most genuine, honest, and sincere person you will ever meet. A known secret keeper and lowkey, the best listener, the ideal representation of a persistent and pure-hearted person. His dedication and hard work will never fail to inspire you. Thank you for always guiding us and giving the best advice, thank you for always helping out. And be certain that Nicolas will always be the first one by your side whenever you need him. Will always love your mom more Nino ;).

Hassan El Gendy

Student Officer

Get to Know Hassan

Throughout the years me and hassan maintained a moderate friendship however it constantly grew since we both have so much respect for each other. I have always admired hassan’s workship since this year we share the same class, thus i discovered that as a student hes extremely passionate and ambitious which pushes me in working with him. However, he may sometimes lack attention in class since hes hungry 24/7 and I’ve had enough of his constant ‘’ma3ak akl ya ismaeel’’ (yes ya hassan i do bas khosara feek). I can always depend on Hassan whenever we’re assigned on a task together owing to the fact that he proved it to me a bunch of times which makes me have lots of trust in the work he puts. Hassan is exceptionally intuitive and astute as follows i also commend Hassan of his vast social skills which makes our communication effortless and smooth hence working together isnt complexe at all. At length i would be honored in working with a person who’s nobility and rectitude speaks for itself.

Youssef Samy

Student Officer

Get to Know Samy

I honestly don’t know where to start, Samy is the best friend you could ever ask for. The most genuine, kind hearted, generous and trustworthy person I have ever met. Samy tolerates me the most, he puts up with everything I say and I am forever grateful for that. Samy is the most hyperactive person you will ever meet, you will never catch him sitting. He’s one of the very few people I can actually be myself around. Samy has always been the life of the party and has a way of cheering people up. He will always be one of the closest people to my heart. Even though Samy bullies me the most, I’m sure he’ll always be by my side no matter what. You’re always there to lend a helping hand or a listening ear. Here’s to our endless “deals”, inside jokes,”tasweehat” and study sessions. There’s literally never a dull moment around you. Your energy and enthusiasm are definitely my favorite things about you. You mean so much to me brother.

Karma AboulSeoud

Student Officer

Get to Know Karma

Describing Karma or as I like to call her “abolseouddddd” in 200 words is hard, if not impossible. I can go about her for hours. Karma, a person with the purest heart. One of my favorite persons ever. My ultimate companion in the application journey. Karma never fails to brighten any room she enters. She’s always spreading positivity and joy wherever she goes. Her laughter and warm smile can light up any room, and her unwavering support and encouragement have been a constant source of strength for me. She’s a very organized person and especially AMBITIOUS. I’ll never forget our zoom meetings, our recré meetings in the CDI, our plans el faksana to finish the application tasks… She is the kind of friend who listens intently, offering thoughtful advice. Her empathy and understanding are truly remarkable, and she has a way of making even the most mundane situations feel special. Karma is an incredible human being who embodies the qualities of kindness, compassion, and support. I feel incredibly lucky to have her in my life, and I am grateful every day for the joy and happiness she brings into my world. I’m confident that she will succeed as an SO as she’ll bring so much creativity, uniqueness, professionalism and fun in this conference.

Habiba El Naggar

Student Officer

Get to Know Habiba

Abii is the most cheerful person you’ll ever meet. Her creativity can surprise you. As I’ve gotten to know her, I’ve developed my vocabulary using her creative words, like “le einch”, which we still don’t have a real definition for, but which we say every time something happens. She has an incredible energy that brightens everyone’s mood. Before you really get to know her, you’ll wonder how she manages to talk about a million different things in one minute, and you’ll never notice the moment when she switches to another subject. She’s always smiling; you can never catch her without a smile, and it’s her smiles and kind words that encourage you in everything you do. She’s always ready to stand by you and cheer you up, even if the whole world is after her. She’s the kind of person who always underestimates herself, she doesn’t know how loving, caring and kind she is. Habiba can give you her full attention when you just want to complain about things that don’t matter. Habiba loves to vlog and will send you 20 vlogs showing just one product and that’s what fascinates me most about her. Overall Habiba is the most optimistic person you will ever meet and I am super grateful for her!

Salma Zaki

Student Officer

Get to Know Salma

It goes without saying that Salma is the most hardworking person out there. She has always been someone who sets goals and pursues them with unwavering determination. Her ability to stay committed to her goals and dreams always pushes me to work harder towards mine. She is the most compassionate and understanding person I know. Salma has always been there for me through thick and thin, offering a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on whenever I needed it. Salma never hesitates to help anyone in need, whether it’s a stranger or even a friend, and she always puts others’ needs before her own. Our baker, you haven’t had the best desserts unless you tried Salma’s. Salma will always make you laugh, even if it is unintentional. My go to person for anything, knowing she won’t ever disappoint. I know without a doubt that she will make an exceptional student officer. She’s the most supportive person I know, and I’m thankful I get to call her my best friend.

Ismaeel Esmat

Student Officer

Get to Know Ismaeel

I have known Ismaeel for many years now, and with absolute certainty I can say that he is an exceptional friend who I can describe using any of the following words, kindness, organization, intelligence, and thoughtfulness. His caring nature and ability to make others feel valued, coupled with his efficiency and hard work, make him an ideal person to have around. Furthermore, the consistency demonstrated by Ismaeel’s reliability is evident in the identical photos we took at the “al3a” during separate MUN conferences four years apart; this serves as a testament to his unwavering dependability and consistency over time. Ismaeel is always ready with a ridiculously absurd joke that somehow will always make you laugh. Ismaeel is the kind of person that I would and will always want to sit next to while watching any movie, even movies as boring as Animal farm; his commentary always got us in trouble because of all the laughter that would come from our table. Fair warning; Ismaeel is the kind of person to say “i don’t have any food” while having enough food to feed Africa in his bag.

Ali El Sayed

Student Officer

Get to Know Ali

Ali or as i like to call him Sayed, this “get to know” letter will never do him justice because no paragraph could ever describe how special he is. Ali is one of the closest people to my heart and the person who has stuck by my side through the toughest times of my life. Our friendship is so special to me and something I truly cherish and I will always be grateful to have him in my life. Ali is the most caring, kind, helpful and funniest person you’ll ever meet, his laugh is the one where it’s funnier than the joke itself, if you ever feel stressed or overwhelmed, Ali is your go-to person, he’ll always find a way to cheer you up, put a smile on your face and give you the best advice. Be certain that Ali will always be on your side whenever you need him to be. His dedication and hardwork will never fail to inspire you. Ali is a person that you can count on no matter what, I’ve always relied on Ali and never regretted it for a second. He’s very trustworthy and will keep all your secrets safe with him. Thank you Sayed, for being the best friend anyone could ever ask for. Please keep in mind that I will always love your mom more than you, Sayed.

Nayera Ahmed

Student Officer

Get to know Nayera

While me and Nayera were on facetime, we both received an email congratulating us for getting accepted into the team, we screamed and were experiencing a state of happiness like never before. I wasn’t surprised though that she had gotten accepted, you will never meet someone with more dedication, and devotion than her. Motivated, and empathetic are the first 2 words that come to mind when thinking of Nayera. She is a person who will be there for you at any time, and trust me I have tested that theory out on multiple occasions, from me calling her crying at 2 am because I hadn’t finished studying for our biology exam that was in a couple of hours, to us exchanging thoughts on a problem i was too indecisive to find a solution to. And not once has she disappointed me, she’s always standing by my side. I not only believe she is a valuable addition to the team, but I am certain of it, our team will undoubtedly benefit from having someone with a charismatic character like hers. So her delegates will be exceedingly fortunate to call her their president, and I am beyond fortunate to call her one of my closest friends.

Nour Hatem

Student Officer

Get to Know Nour

There is so much to say about Nour that it won’t fit in 200 words only. Nour is the most caring, funny, confident and charismatic individual you’ll ever meet. It’s so easy to be charmed by her heartwarming smile and captivating personality. I didn’t think it was possible for someone to actually brighten up the room with their laugh until I met Nour. She’s the type of person who laughs at everything, even when it’s her own jokes and no one else is laughing with her. Forget ever feeling left out or unwelcome when you’re with her. She’s an extremely supportive person, always encouraging everyone around her. If there’s one person you can truly rely on, it’s undeniably Nour. No matter what’s going on, she’s there for you. Not only is Nour passionate and genuine, but she is also devoted to her work. She’s a serious and hardworking person. Once she sets her mind to something, nothing can stop her from achieving it. Her undying love for food, and especially pasta, is one of the things I admire most about her. Anyone would be more than lucky to work with her, and even luckier to have her as a friend.

Joudy Mazen

Student Officer

Get to Know Joudy

It would be a challenge to describe joudy in just 200 words; there’s way too much to be said. Joudy, the shopping addict, is one of the most devoted people I have ever met. It’s an honor for me to call Joudy a friend. She will be there for you at anytime, no matter what you are going through, and she will push you to become the best version of yourself. Although I can never reach Joudy’s level because she is a perfect balanced mix of both caring and driven, which is very hard to achieve, She is the perfect asset to the OISMUN team and well deserved. I can’t imagine her hard work and dedication not being on the team, and she never disappoints. Joudy may seem like a closed book, but open her up, and she won’t stop talking. She’ll open up about a funny story where you won’t be able to stop dying of laughter. Or you can just rant to her for hours about the same thing without her complaining. It’s an honor to have you on the team, just as in my life joujou.

Alexia Avakian

Student Officer

Get to Know Alexia

Introducing Alexia, a shy yet wonderfully kind individual who possesses a heart brimming with compassion. Though quiet and reserved, her acts of kindness speak volumes. Alexia’s gentle nature allows her to listen attentively and provide a comforting presence to those who seek solace. She has a remarkable ability to understand others’ struggles and offer support without judgment. Through thoughtful gestures and genuine concern, she becomes a trusted confidant and a true friend. While she may not be the center of attention, Alexia’s words carry weight. She uplifts others with sincere compliments and encouragement, recognizing and celebrating their unique talents and strengths. Her genuine support has the power to inspire and nurture the confidence of those around her. Alexia’s humility and empathy create a safe haven for people to express themselves freely. She cherishes the opportunity to be there for others, offering comfort and understanding when it is most needed. In a world that often favors extroversion, Alexia’s quiet kindness is a gentle reminder that even the smallest gestures can make a significant impact. Her presence radiates warmth and positivity, making her a truly remarkable individual.

Khadija Kalyoubi

Student Officer

Get to Know Khadija

Me and Khadija have always been best friends since Primaire but one thing I learned all these years is to never eat something in front of her or else I’ll be left with half of what I had. I hope my Nutella sandwiches were good Khadija. I’ve always seen Khadija as a hard working and diligent person. She is always here when you need her and will always help you if you just ask her. Even though she can get mad at the simplest things, Khadija will always make you smile. Whenever we have work together, we always just start laughing at the most random things which is what makes working with her special. Though, if she wants to get something done she will put the most amount of effort just to do it right. Khadija, you will always have the sweetest smile and kindest personality any friend could ever ask for.

Salma El Sayed

Student Officer

Get to Know Salma

Salma is a student who exudes warmth and kindness in every aspect of her life. Her infectious smile and genuine interest in others make her an instant favorite among her peers. What truly sets Salma apart is her unwavering dedication and hard work. Salma’s eagerness to learn is evident in the way she actively engages in her studies. She listens attentively to her friends, asks thoughtful questions, and participates actively in any activities. Her determination to succeed is evident in the way she refuses to give up, no matter how challenging the material becomes. Salma’s hard work isn’t just about achieving good grades. She genuinely loves people and sees it as a way to broaden her horizons and expand her social life of the world around her. She always makes sure to make people smile and engaged, she knows how to set the mood right and brighten up the place. She’s never afraid to ask for help. Salma’s heartwarming nature also extends to her relationships with others. She is a natural leader, always looking for ways to support and encourage her classmates. Whether it’s offering a kind word of encouragement or lending a hand on a group project, Salma’s generosity and compassion are evident in everything she does. In short, Salma is a student who embodies the very best qualities of dedication, hard work, and kindness. Her unwavering commitment to learning and her genuine care for others make her an inspiration to all those around her. It’s clear that Salma’s future holds nothing but bright prospects, as she continues on her path of academic excellence and personal growth.

Selim Youssef

Student Officer

Get to Know Selim

Fun, stubborn and passionate, 3 words that are perfect for describing one of the closest  people to my heart. Selim is the one person that you can always go to and be sure that  he will give you the right advice, the one person that u can always rely on. If he says he’s  going to do something, he does it. His determination and hard work are truly inspiring,  he always tries his best to achieve everything. however, he can always turn a serious  situation into a fun one. he’s the one person that can get you out of a bad mood just by  being himself. you will always want to not laugh when you’re with him, but  unfortunately, it’s impossible. Solly is someone that will bully you until the end of time  but is also your biggest supporter. I have never met a more caring person, the way Selim  cares about everyone he loves is something else. I’m sure that everyone will love to  work with Solly, we are all lucky that we could share our OISMUN experience with you.  A friend, an advisor, a hard worker, a source of fun, and a caring soul, someone I can  proudly say is my best friend

Judy Hady

Student Officer

Get to Know Judy

Every time there is an assessment or work for the OISMUN/MAL/FUA or even for normal school work she always reminds everyone about the work that has to be done, she is a well organized , committed and devoted person. tries her best to be better than others for fun which is very funny. We always talk about exciting things we are going to do over the weekend And she always finds time to gossip about everything and anything and always mixes drama for fun. She knows how to motivate anyone. She is an amazing colleague and friend. That is always there to help others in need and always answer any type of questions except dumb ones which makes her crazy. She’s a very open and calm person,which makes her so approachable and easy to love, so she’s a perfect fit for the team, and is never shy to show her competitive side especially in debating, which makes me kind of scared to debate against her. I love to work with you Judy because we always do amazingly and give our best , and always sneak in some fun no matter what, showing the bright side in everything.

Lana Louai

Student Officer

Get to Know Lana

Describe Lana in 200 words? impossible, no amount of words can properly wrap up the amount of emotions and moods that girl goes through in even one day. Lana is one of the sweetest people you’ll meet, she’s so easily excitable by anything you’ll show her. She is very ruled by emotion and is always quick to feel and express it to those around her, and believe me whatever she feels, she feels very strongly. She is always ready to cry about every sad book or movie she watches, don’t even bother trying to calm her down. She is very passionate about all she believes in and is always ready to argue her opinions with you, no matter how small the topic (yes she can be a ”little” dramatic sometimes). She is always getting attached to very small obsessions, whatever Lana’s watching or into at the moment is ALL you’ll be hearing about. However she still remains one of the most indecisive people ever, if there’s someone you shouldn’t ask what to order today, it is most definitely Lana. I honestly couldn’t imagine my life without our friendship, anyone would be lucky to have Lana in their life.

Farida Abdelkader

Student Officer

Get to Know Farida

Imagine being fortunate enough to know Farida! I have known her for over 13 years, and she will forever be the most hardworking, creative, supportive, and ambitious person ever! She’s truly an invaluable friend and sister who will always leave a mark on your life and a smile on your face. She’s the one who will always show you her unwavering support for each and every step you take in your life. She truly has a heart of gold. Aside from the serious part, Farida is the funniest person ever, and by this, I mean HILARIOUS, no contest! She’s the one who, no matter how hard the situation gets, will always find a ray of sunshine! She is one! Despite her penchant for procrastination, she manages to produce work that exceeds all expectations and reflects the hard work and unwavering dedication she has for everything she participates in. She is really the best when it comes to work. A true leader you can count on and a consistent source of inspiration. With absolutely no doubt, her role as an SO this year will mirror everything I have mentioned. And for her delegates: You guys are the luckiest, trust me!

Jamila Ashmawy

Student Officer

Get to Know Jamila

Karima Hamdi

Student Officer

Get to Know Karima

There is so much to say about Karima that it won’t fit in only 200 words. Karima is the type of person who makes a lasting impression in your life and turns every moment into a cherished memory and the one you can count on for anything; she truly has become a constant in my life.Kawkaw is always bringing joy and laughter wherever she goes. Her kindness has no bounds, and her smile can light up even the darkest of moments. She’s someone who always knows how to make me feel understood, cared for, and loved. Whether it’s sharing secrets or simply enjoying each other’s company, there’s never a dull moment with Karima around. I’m grateful to have her as my best friend, and I cherish every moment we spend together. To many more memories Kawkawito..

Zyad Sorour

Student Officer

Get to know Zyad

One of the first things Zyad ever told me was last November, he said, “Farida Hossam ElDeeb Ana 3amalt mossiba” and ever since whenever I hear my full name from him I know bad news is coming. Zyad is always very invested in his work and he’s very ambitious. He enjoys doing his work, bas tab3an lazem y complain when he’s doing it. Our plans to work during el réceé without fail always end up with us doing anything and everything else. He’s prepared to help someone even when he’s stressed with his own work. He’s always the kind of person who’ll go get you an extra croissant during the coffee break when you don’t want to get up. His dedication to his assignments and making sure the ones around him are content is truly remarkable. I know that working with him in a team will be truly memorable to everyone involved.

Yassin Hammouda

Student Officer

Get to Know Yassin

Yassin , or Hammouda as most of us like to call him, is one of the most interesting people you’ll ever meet. He’s one of the smartest, most hardworking and helpful people, despite his odd sense of humor. I’ve known Yassin since we were children and he has never been anything short of a gentleman. His generosity, helpfulness and jokes are traits that he owns up to all day, everyday. Although he is often perceived as a nerd, I am here to confirm Yassin goes way beyond his outer shell. Furthermore, throughout the many conferences Hammouda has attended, he has practically never failed to get the title of “best delegate”, thanks to his energy, passion and ambitious drive. Overall, I’m very lucky to have Yassin on the team, because hes genuinely such an indispensable asset!

Rawia Soliman

Student Officer

Get to Know Rawia

Rawia is a very generous person who you can easily talk to.I am not very close to her but from the time I have spent with her I can determine some characteristics about her that make her unique.She has a lot of energy most of the time but can also be a very calm person.She is talkative and smiles a lot which shows her positive energy around people.She’s someone you can talk to about something serious and she’ll listen to you and try to understand you.She will not talk about what you told her to another person.She’s always seeking to help others and she’s nice to everyone even if they’re not that close to her.I am grateful that I got to see this side of her and for her to be apart of my life.


Malak Abdeen

Crisis Officer

Get to know Malak

When you first meet Malak , her expressions and looks will most probably give you the impression that she’s a mean or rude person but when you get to know her she’s nothing like that at all. Malak is an incredibly kind person , always ready to lend a helping hand and make everyone around her  feel comfortable .She is also remarkably trustworthy and loyal, making her a true confidant.She’s a very determined person and will get what she wants. You can always trust Malak to be completely honest with you because she will never not tell you the truth in order to help you out. One of my favorite things about Malak is how outgoing she is and how she’s always down to do anything anytime. She’s passionate about the things she likes and cares alot for her friends and would do anything for them and for their friendship. She’s an incredibly intelligent, very understanding, and thoughtful person .As well as a great listener, she will always truly hear what you have to say without interruption . Anyone who gets to work with her will be incredibly lucky to work by her side and to witness her hardworking side aside from her social one.

Hana Maged

Crisis Officer

Get to Know Hana

Hana, a remarkable young girl, embodies kindness and respect in every interaction. Her smile and gentle demeanor create a welcoming atmosphere for everyone around her. Despite her quiet nature, Hana’s intelligence shines brightly, effortlessly grasping complex concepts with a natural grace. Whether assisting classmates or engaging in thoughtful conversations, she exudes a genuine friendliness that leaves a lasting impression. Hana’s combination of kindness, respect, and intellect makes her a delightful presence in any setting.


Farida Sami

Approval Panel

Get to Know Farida

Farida is a very hard worker who works for what she wants and puts great effort in it. She is very shy at first when you meet her but when you get to know her she’s far from that. Farida is the kind of person who will always help you when you’re feeling down no matter what and will go out of her way to cheer you up. She’s a great listener who always offers a supportive ear whenever you would need someone to talk to . Farida is the kind of person who always sees the good in others and spreads positivity wherever she goes.Her laugh is infectious and it creates an atmosphere of joy and comfort around her. It’s never a dull moment around Farida as she’s always energetic . Despite her continuously saying the weirdest things ever, she’s very well spoken and gives great advice .Farida has an insatiable curiosity, always eager to learn new things and share those discoveries with friends. Farida can always talk to you about anything and open any topic with you to make you feel a part of any conversation. Farida is the most passionate person you could ever meet and whoever is working with her is lucky

Emmanuelle Ghali

Approval Panel

Get to Know Emma

Sitting with Emma in the library helping each other with the MUN application, I wasn’t proud of what I wrote and what I made, yet Emma was making me realize how good my application was. You’ll never meet anyone as positive as Emma, no matter what always finds a way to make it positive. She’s one of a kind. She always does everything and gives all that she got just to achieve what she wants and get what she wants, always with struggles but as she always says “no pain no gain”. She has a free spirit even if she doesn’t know how to do something she tries and tries and never gives up until she does it. She’s a forgiveful person and she cares about people even if they’re not that close to her.

PS: thanks for helping me so that your mom doesn’t kill me in the projet personnel.

Chantal Ayman

Approval Panel

Get to Know Chantal

Let me introduce you to Chantal, a wonderful person known for being really good at keeping things in order and for being very kind to others.Chantal is super organized. She’s great at making schedules, planning things, and getting stuff done. She’s the kind of person who can help you figure out how to manage your time better, and she’s always ready to share helpful ideas.But being organized isn’t the only cool thing about Chantal. She’s also incredibly thoughtful. That means she cares a lot about other people and does nice things to make them happy. Whether it’s remembering birthdays, saying nice things, or helping out when someone needs it, Chantal is always there with a kind heart.

Layla Tameem

Approval Panel

Get to Know Layla

Layla is probably the most petite person you’ll ever meet. I probably almost stepped on her a million times without noticing. The amount of black coffee she consumes every hour is most likely what stunted her growth. To us always bonding over our Disney and sushi obsession. You’re never going to meet anyone more self contained, positive and supportive. Layla is always there for you, if you’re not in a good mood, she’ll always find a way to make you feel better with her unfunny jokes. To forever calling her when im sad and her lightening the mood with her “Rannnn”. Her kind heart brings joy to those around her. I will forever force her to come up with fake scenarios and stories since she’s so creative. Layla is an extremely hard worker and has a unique perspective on life that makes me think differently. I feel blessed to have you by my side. To the cutest person ever, thank you for being an amazing friend! Will always love Ouda more than you, le gaz rare.

Khadija Samy

Approval Panel

Get to Know Khadija

Khadija and I were never in the same class and I honestly always thought she was a mean person until I got to know her . As a person , khadija has this unique aura around her . She has a strong personality and she is very optimistic , kind and a hard worker . always asks for food and a very comfortable person to be around . She is never satisfied with something unless its done by her or at least meets her top standards , gives her best at work  , always willing to help, always being nice to everyone , has the best gossip and has her unique vibe  , always prepared with the wide hands for a hug . One of the most organized people you can ever meet and is ready for any question you have about literally any subject . Overall she is a good person and would be a very good teammate . A thing I really like about her is that if she has work to do she never lets it sit until the last minute like most people do .

Jana Ashraf

Approval Panel

Get to Know Jana

Jana’s one of the most fun people with the purest heart I have ever encountered. She’s very supportive, and she’s willing help you no matter what. Once you get to know Jana, you can literally talk to her about anything and everything while feeling comfortable. As I write this letter, I realize there may not be a way to describe her and how much she’s changed my life for the better. Jana’s the type of person who lightens up the mood in seconds. Even though Joujou and I have known each other since C2, she has never left my side.  Every time we talk, we just end up laughing hysterically. Thanks to our MANY inside jokes, I cherish every single moment I spend with her. Speaking of inside jokes, here are some of the best ones I will never forget: on écrit sur les murs, C4’s physics video, our besties + their nicknames, RIP love, ice cream spoon… Having Jana in your life makes you an extremely lucky person, and I’m so thankful to know her and to be her friend.

Farida Hossam

Approval Panel

Get to Know Farida

When we first became delegates, Farida told me, “yala nekhosh the commission on the status of women,” and so we did. Since that time as first-time delegates, we each looked forward to the day we got to apply for the team, and with each passing conference, we got even more eager. Truly, you’ll never meet someone as brutally honest but also kind as her. I’ve known Farida, or as I call her, dida for my entire life, and I can confidently say that she can make any work no matter how difficult enjoyable. That was our experience during the application process. It was exciting to finally be applying to the team, especially with her by my side. Her hard work and turning over situations from bad to good makes you feel like you can keep going no matter the circumstances. Farida is incredibly fun to be around and makes you feel comfortable around her. She is always willing to help despite her own work. I’ve witnessed her dedication in all kinds of things, and I’m sure we’ll see the same during conferences. By the way, dida, remember how I’ve fulfilled your request of not completely embarrassing you in this letter.

Ayten Tamer

Approval Panel

Get to Know Ayten

When you hear the name Ayten Tamer you may think about how calm she is but for me when I hear this name I remember the most caring, passionate, and one of the most hard working person I know (especially in the french homework). After meeting her as cliche as it sounds she really made me see that siblings are not really by blood and when I tell you she has a heart of pure gold I really mean it. Ayten is the type of person I would count on when I really need her except when we have to do math in real life, especially when we ordered our favorite roll on the go. Ayten and I share lots of amazing memories together, for example our favorite memory when we saw our favorite singer of all time, especially when she sang our favorite song “Rip, Love”. When someone mentions Mazag, she is the first person that comes to my mind, since one thing you should know about Ayten is that she is the queen of Mazag. Trust me, you’ll never experience a dull moment around her.


Cherif El Nomrosy

Usher Hospitality

Get to Know Cherif

When I first knew Cherif I never thought I would be this close to him. As much as he is the most competitive and passionate person I will ever know he is also the kindest, funniest and most entertaining person. It’s always fun being around him. The drawing competitions, the most chaotic and amusing english classes and the arguments against the whole class is just a normal routine for Nomro. I will always remember how much Cherif was an inspiration for me to apply and  do my best to join the oismun team and I will never forget his support and encouragement that undoubtedly helped me overcome many hardships I experienced along the way. His lovable and hyperactive character, his McDonald’s addiction and his passion for tennis really made Nomrosy a friend whom you will never have a dull moment with.

Ismail Tolba

Usher Administration

Get to Know Kikaz

Ismail Tolba or as we ALL say Kikaz , he is probably known more as kikaz than Ismail. Ismail is an extremely smart person , sometimes annoyingly smart he will make it known that he’s the smartest person in the room. He never shuts up about it “Maths / Physique Sup”. He has the kindest heart ever and will never say no to anything you ask. kikaz will always be there for you if you need it he’s the bestest friend anyone could wish for. He always has pure intentions no matter what. His dedication skills amaze me and he puts his all in anything he does , his work is the most important thing to him not to mention he’s an exemplary student that teachers wish everyone was like. His laugh is extremely contagious and funny. He’s an extremely funny person and his love for chess is extremely weird , he loves chess so much and sometimes it’s so annoying. Kikaz is an amazing person , truly.

Ali Noweir

Usher Media

Get to Know Ali

Ali noweir is the funniest person I’ve ever met. When Ali was new to the school I was surprised by how tall a person can be, we always joke about that. Ali has such an amazing personality, I can guarantee that for this first year in our school, he has certainly made an impact and became one of my closest friends today. Ali’s comments and jokes play an essential role in our english class. There’s never a dull moment when ali is around especially when we get kicked out of most of the english lessons. Being funny comes with many attributes, the fact that I can always count on him and can always trust him, also he always made our gathering 100x better. I know that whoever will get the chance to interact or get to know him throughout the conference will have an amazing time!